For anyone bound up in unhealed stories, we unleash freedom in the name of Jesus through transformational intensives.

our identity

We are a transformational intensive company that makes healing accessible and hope normal.

our commitment

Our team knows what it’s like to be set free in the name of Jesus and to learn to live from our God-given identity. We help others do the same by integrating Biblical truth, trauma-informed frameworks, and Kingdom deliverance techniques in Christ-centered, Spirit-led ways.

  • Marie Foote

    Unleashed from anger to become a Merciful Truthteller!

  • Jordan Foote

    Unleashed from fear to become a Releaser of His Resources!

  • Melissa Crutchfield

    Unleashed from darkness to become a Lioness of Light!

  • Yvonne Biel

    Unleashed from criticism to become a Curator of Kingdom Encounter!

transform in community






It’s time to walk free of fear and shame!

UNLEASH: Guided Healing for Wholehearted Breakthrough (3-Day Intensive + 40 Day Support) provides you with a small community to walk out deeper layers of your healing journey! We will move through story work, break generational strongholds, and overcome five major blocks which keep us entangled in emotional + spiritual chains. We send everyone off ready to stand in their true identities.


UNPACK: Guided Healing After a Painful Journey is a four day debrief for missionaries to process the painful and joyous parts of their journey overseas. During these four days together, we will unpack the story together, process the grief and pain, as well as the goodness and purpose. We send everyone off in their true identities to move into the next chapter with fresh hopes and dreams.


Our community gathers regularly to LEARN, PRACTICE, and HEAL together! We seek to engage in intentional, wholehearted, authentic relationships with one another.

Our offerings include community dinners, prayer + healing, guest speakers, Q+A’s, Kingdom teachings, spiritual practices, and times of heart healing. Come connect in safe confessional community.

“The CH+H team is incredibly gifted, and the way they work together - being tuned in and sensitive to the Holy Spirit - is such a blessing. The entire team is amazing and the opportunity to spend time with them, being loved, cared for, and ministered to is such a gift.” - Rob

"UNLEASH has enabled me to live out of my identity in Christ. It freed me of carrying burdens about my family and I am able to hear from God more clearly." - Sarah

“Thanks to your patient care conviction, I realized God's pleasure over me as I believed + trusted his perfect workmanship in me. Now, when the enemy puts those old labels and lies on me, I have the strength & boldness to rip them off my shirt - and they come off so easily, actually! I imagine the labels of truth I now wear, as permanently pinned to me like jewelry - glittering, shiny gems of great worth ... Empowering!" - Mallory

chronic hope + healing